GURU - Guided Undergraduate Research Unit
Purpose of the Program
Undergraduate research has significant benefits for all students; these experiences demonstrably improve undergraduate experience for diverse groups of students and across the curriculum. The GURU Program supports undergraduate work in basic, translational and applied sciences, media, aeronautics, social sciences, physical and life sciences, engineering, liberal arts, humanities.
Undergraduate students funded by this program are expected to:
- Conduct original research or creative works, under the direction of a faculty mentor;
- Commit at least 10 hours per week for the duration of the project
- Submit weekly progress reports, verified by faculty mentors, including hours committed and tasks completed.
Students from all disciplines are encouraged to apply to any open posts
To be eligible for this opportunity, an applicant must be considered a full-time undergraduate student during the current academic year the project is active.
For questions regarding GURU-the Guided Undergraduate Research Unit, please reach out to
The Student-Research listserv
The Student-Research listserv is a moderated list, serving as a forum for posting a broad array of announcements by and for students seeking to increase their involvement in research while studying at Florida Tech. To sign up, please follow the instructions from the below link.