News Releases
The Communications office writes all university news releases, posts them online at Florida Tech News and distributes them to appropriate media outlets.
Before You Request a News Release
Keep in mind that the media, whether local, regional, national or international, is highly selective when it comes to coverage. Modern media companies are not always looking for news to share; they're deciding which news to share. What you deem a story of high importance, they may consider less so. In other words, a news release may not be the most appropriate approach to your content. In some instances, your news is of greater interest to the campus community and will be publicized at, in the Florida Tech NOW university newsletter, the research blog or another university outlet.
Before you request a news release, consider the situations when a news release may be appropriate:
- Achievement that is distinguished or unique (first, largest, best, etc.)
- High-impact research appearing in a peer-reviewed journal
- Significant grant awards, gifts, major internships, fellowships
- National awards or professional distinction
- Major appointments, including executive administration, major chairs
- Educational, charitable and entertainment opportunities for the general public
- On-campus events open to the public or members of the media
- To announce significant university developments, such as new programs
Requesting a News Release
You may initiate content development by emailing Director of Media Communications Adam Lowenstein at In your email, provide necessary information such as:
- Who (subject and/or audience)
- What (the news)
- When (date news happened, or date of event)
- Where (place news happened, or place of event)
- Contact (point person)
- Cost (of event, if any)
You are encouraged to attach a draft release, which we will be glad to review, edit and finalize with your collaboration. Also consider what, if any, photos or visual elements might be useful with your story.
If you have questions, email or call 321-674-8964.